7/11/2019 3 Comments July 11More Doors Will Open
Go on in faith and trust. The Way opens as you go. In the Christian Life doors swing open as you come to them, if so be that you have advanced to them along the straight path of obedience. As you started your journey, what would it have profited had you worried about the closed door ahead? In the Spirit-Life miracle-working Power operates through natural human channels. As you have seen. So this is the continuing lesson: Go steadily foreword in firm trust along the path of the quiet obedience. That is your work. Mine to cause the doors to swing open, as you come to them, not before. How often have I opened those doors for you in the past? More will open. So trust, so hope, so love.
12/17/2019 11:44:51 pm
We must trust God that He will never fail us. Life is a constant journey, as we go along the way, we have set our goals and dreams for us to achieve and to become successful. Some of our dreams are not easy to get, we need to work hard for it and sometimes we would feel that we are failing to live our dreams. Some people have already given up and looses hope to fight for what they want. We shouldn't be like that, we can always pray and ask for Gods help and guidance. When we pray, have faith and believe that He will always grant our prayers.
11/4/2022 10:51:43 am
Or send yourself cut. Skill kind face.
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